Dr. Hoyle Leigh’s Selected Articles

(https://hleigh.net/Selected HL Articles of Interest/HLeigh-SelectedArticles.htm)


A Gene x Meme x Environment Interaction Model of Mental Illness

Borderline Hypertensives Volunteering for Follow-Up and

Biofeedback  A Preliminary Study: Locus of Control Characteristies]

Completed Suicides: Psychiatric Diagnoses and
Frequency of Previous Attempt

Current status of psychosomatic training in primary care residencies in the United States

The Current Status of Placebo in Hospital Practice

Denial and Helplessness in Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy:Sex Differences and Implications for Prognosis

DSM III and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Toward a Comprehensive Medical Model of the


From Biopsychosocial Model to Patientology

Good outcome in a catatonic patient with enlarged ventricles

Long-Term Effects of Preweaning lsolation From Littermates in Rats

Major Trends in Psychosomatic Medicine: The Psychiatrist's Evolving Role in Medicine

Mental health and psychiatry training in primary care residency programs Part I. Who teaches, where, when and how satisfied?

Mental health and psychiatry training in primary care residency programs Part II. What skills and diagnoses are taught, how adequate, and what affects training directors’ satisfaction?

Physical Factors Affecting Psychiatric Condition : A Proposal for DSM-IV

Psychotherapy of  a Terminal Suicidal Patient

The Relationship Between Repressive and  Defensive Coping Styles and Monocyte, Eosinophile, and Serum Glucose Levels: Support for the Opiod Peptide Hypothesis of Repression