Revised Feb 15, 2012










Hoyle Leigh, MD, Course Director

Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF



Ronna Mallios, Ph.D, MPH, Consultant





                                Wednesdays 12:10 - 1:10 PM

                                CL Conference Room, CRMC Basement





                Hoyle Leigh, M.D.  559-459-4995,

                   Ronna Mallios, Ph.D., MPH, 559-499-6670




Overview of the Series



Everyone should take the Human Research on-line course by going to  and Registering. This is necessary to do any research in UCSF and/or the VA.  Please  sign up for two institutions, one for VA - "Fresno, CA-570,"  (ID: 153) and "University of California, San Francisco" (ID: 1215).  The course name is "Human Research."  You can affiliate with as many institutions as you like, so residents can use this as they go on to do research at other hospitals.  This will take up to 2 hrs.


Session 1.         Introduction: What is Research?


                                    Reading Material for Session 1: What is Research? Part I. Stories


                                    An excellent optional background reading material:

                                                The Conduct of Inquiry by Abraham Kaplan (selections)


                                    Other optional readings: the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

                                                Science Article: Spooky twins survive Einsteinian torture

                                                Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

                                                EPR on Wickipedia



Session  2.       The Consultation-Liaison Database:  Hands-On experience


                                    Reading Material for Session 2: Research Methods Part 2. Research Methods

                                    Homework:  Please develop a Research Question


Session 3.         Developing a Project

                                    Discussion of the Research Questions each member brought


                        NOTE: IRB Approval is an Essential Procedure.


1.      For those who will do the project using records or patients at CRMC, including the CL database, you should fill out the CRMC IRB form, or obtain it The IRB form is here.  To obtain it from CRMC, go to, then log on with your username and password. Then, click on Community forum on the Left Side of the Page under DESKTOP APPS.  




Then you will get to the Community Forum page.  On top of the page, there is a bar with Home on the left, and in the middle is the Documents.  Click on the Documents, then on the Misc Forms, then IRB Application.


2.        For those of you who wish to do a project on VA patients, please use the VA forms here.


                        *Reading for Session 4: Review the Insomnia Manuscript and score it, write a critique and bring them for discussion. The scoring form and critique form are in the front of the manuscript.


Session 4.       Critique of a Research Paper, Writing Up the Proposal

                                    Using Others to Help: Collaborators, Consultants, Statisticians, Slave labor, etc.

                                    After this session, please make appointment with the consultant


                                    Reading for Session 4: Review the Insomnia Manuscript and score it, write a critique and bring them for discussion.


Session 5.       How to set up data so that they can be analyzed?  What statistical methods to use?     Ronna Mallios


Session 6.       Please review and score the CATIE paper for discussion during this session

                                    Additional Resource: Harvard Review of CATIE,

                                    Please use the GENERIC SCORING FORM for all reviews.


Session 7.       Please review and score the serotonin transporter, depression, stress and heart study.



Session 8.       Report of Status of Projects



Session 9.       Please review and score the Star*D study

                                    Additional Resources: Star*D after SSRI

                                                                        Grik gene and treatment for depression

                                                                        Serotonin transporter gene and treatment


Session 10.     Please review and score the Functional Neuroanatomy of Placebo Effect


Session 11.     Presentation of Project Status


Session 12.     Review and Critique of  Huntington paper


Session 13.     Review and Critique of cataplexy paper


Session 14.     Review and Critique of PTSD and depression paper


Session 15.     Project Status and Discussion


Session 16-19.         Presentation of Projects