Dr. Leigh’s Teaching Rounds for Residents & Students

Tuesdays 1:30 – 2:30 PM   

Zoom link: https://ucsf.zoom.us/j/98375636355?pwd=aEwyR3RqYjBqelE2b051Ti8vK0xiUT09

Meeting ID: 983 7563 6355 Password: 279942 Phone or Conference room password: 279942




The format is a free-floating discussion of any topics related to psychiatry, which means anything imaginable!

The rounds may begin with a brief presentation of a case you encountered, or anything else that aroused your curiosity, which might be of a theoretical, practical, ethical, or philosophical nature, among others.

Dr. Leigh usually uses the Socratic method of teaching, meaning raising questions. His questions often have no correct answers – they are meant to stimulate thinking, not to see if you have the answer!

You are encouraged to peruse the initial page of this website and the recommended readings and books and note that the entirety of important books by Dr. Leigh are available on this site.  For the links that require password, it is “HLucsf

Enjoy the rounds and the rotation!