Essentials of Psychiatry:

Empathy, Research, & Perspectives


  Revised 2022



Hoyle Leigh, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF

Course Director







  Research Part 1



   Research Part 2




Overview of the Series of Psychiatry/Perspectives CRS/Why We Get Sick.pdf


Essentials of Psychiatry: Empathy, Research, and Perspectives is an integrated course consisting of three parts – 1. Empathy, 2. Psychiatric Rsearch, and 3. Perspectives of Psychiatry. The course begins with introduction to research, and the members of the class will develop their research projects in the beginning part of the course, then the class will study empathy and practice it in exercises and role playing, and then study important perspectives in the  development of psychiatry. Interspersed in these parts will be reports on the progress of the research project as well as critiques of published and unpublished research papers.  These exercises will help develop an evidence-based approach to medicine and psychiatry.  The course will end with presentations of completed research projects, which must be submitted to the course director in a publishable form prior to the end of the year-long course.





Psychiatric Research Part 1     


In Preparation


Everyone should take the Human Research on-line course by going to  and Registering. This is necessary to do any research in UCSF and/or the VA.  Please  sign up for two institutions, one for VA - "Fresno, CA-570,"  (ID: 153) and "University of California, San Francisco" (ID: 1215).  The course name is "Human Research."  You can affiliate with as many institutions as you like, so residents can use this as they go on to do research at other hospitals.  This will take up to 2 hrs.


Session 1.          The Consultation-Liaison Database:  How to Use It, Confidentiality, Secure Communication

                                                Hilary Ross, Esq., Director, UCSF Fresno Risk Management

                                                Hossein Moazamipour, Diector, UCSF Fresno Information Technology and Security

                                                Peter Heyne Application Developer, Corporate Information Systems, Community Medical Centers

                                                Harpreet Bains, Database specialist, UCSF Fresno

                                                Hoyle Leigh, MD


                                       This is a mandatory session for all residents and faculty using the CL Database


                                     Reading Material for Session 1: What is Research? Part I. Stories


                                    An excellent optional background reading material:

                                                The Conduct of Inquiry by Abraham Kaplan (selections)





Session 2.         Introduction: What is Research?


                                     Reading Material for Session 2: Research Methods Part 2. Research  Methods

                                     Homework:  Please develop a Research Question



                                     Other optional readings: the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

                                                Science Article: Spooky twins survive Einsteinian torture

                                                Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

                                                EPR on Wickipedia



Session 3.         Developing a Project

                                    Discussion of the Research Questions each member brought


                        NOTE: IRB Approval is an Essential Procedure.


1.      For those who will do the project using records or patients at CRMC, including the CL database, you should fill out the CRMC IRB form, or obtain it The IRB form is here.  To obtain it from CRMC, go to, then log on with your username and password. Then, click on Community forum on the Left Side of the Page under DESKTOP APPS.





Then you will get to the Community Forum page.  On top of the page, there is a bar with Home on the left, and in the middle is the Documents.  Click on the Documents, then on the Misc Forms, then IRB Application.


2.        For those of you who wish to do a project on VA patients, please use the VA forms here.


                        *Reading for Session 4: Review the Insomnia Manuscript and score it, write a critique and bring them for discussion. The scoring form and critique form are in the front of the manuscript.


Session 4.          Critique of a Research Paper, Writing Up the Proposal

                                    Using Others to Help: Collaborators, Consultants, Statisticians, Slave         labor, etc.

                                    After this session, please make appointment with the consultant


                                    Reading for Session 4: Review the Insomnia Manuscript and score it,       write a critique and bring them for discussion.


 Session 5.          How to set up data so that they can be analyzed?  What statistical methods to use?    

                                    Ronna Mallios, Ph.D.


Session 6.            Please review and score the CATIE paper for discussion during this session

                                    Additional Resource: Harvard Review of CATIE,

                                    Please use the GENERIC SCORING FORM for all reviews.





Session 7.      Report of Status of Projects to Consultant: Are conceptual issues clear?  Be ready to set up database/methods with Consultant

                                    Ronna Mallios, Ph.D.


Session 8.       Work with Consultant

                                    Ronna Mallios, Ph.D.


Session 9.       Please review and score the Star*D study

                                    Additional Resources: Star*D after SSRI

                                                                        Grik gene and treatment for depression

                                                                        Serotonin transporter gene and treatment

Session 10.    Work with Consultant


Session 11.   Work with Consultant


Session 12.  Work with Consultant



Session 13.  Project Review : Are we all set to obtain/analyze data?



Session 14. Review and Critique of  Huntington paper

            Also, please review and score the serotonin transporter, depression, stress and heart study.



Session 15.  Review and Critique of cataplexy paper


Session 16.   Project Status and Discussion



NEXT SESSION BEGINS Part 2 of the Course, Empathy, to be followed in the Spring by Research again.





Part 2. Empathy




Course Objectives:


This course is designed to teach the resident or advanced student the basic concepts and skills concerning empathy and to teach basic counseling techniques utilizing empathy.  At the end of this course, the trainee should be able to define and discuss the concept of empathy, and associated terms (such as active listening), be able to conduct an interview using empathic skills, and perform problem-oriented counseling.



Reading Material (Sections provided in the Syllabus):


The basic textbooks are: The Skilled Helper: A Systematic Approach to Effective  Helping, by Gerard Egan, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, Pacific Grove, CA, 1990.

and Interpersonal Living: A Skills/Contract Approach to Human-Relations Training in Groups, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co, Monterey, CA , 1976


Sections of The Skilled Helper are reproduced in the syllabus followed by sections of Interpersonal Living.


Other reading material will be distributed as necessary. 







Session 1.  Doctor Patient Relationship


Reading: Leigh & ReiserThe Patient: Biological, Psychological, & Social Dimensions of Medical Practice, 3rd Edition, Chapter 17,The Doctor-Patient Relationship


 M & RizzolattiG  Mirror Neurons and Mirror Systems in Monkeys and Humans


1. What is doctor-patient relationship?  Doctor-client ?

2. What are the expectations of the doctor by the patient?


3. What do patients feel when they call a doctor, sees him/her,

4.What are the specific therapeutic effects of simple doctor-patient relationship?

5. Are all expectations of the patient about the doctor conscious?  If not, why not?

6. What are the expectations of the doctor about the patient?

7.  What are "sick role" expectations (Talcott Parsons)?

8.  What is the role of communication in doctor-patient relationship?

9. Why is empathy a sine qua non of successful doctor-patient relationship?


 Session 2. Developing Empathy

Egan G: Skilled Helper Chapter 5. Communication Skills I: Attending and Listening (pp 106-121)

Topics for discussion:


1. Is communication skill itself beneficial?  If so, for whom, if not, why not?


2. What are the implications if a patient’s verbal communication is at variance with his/her non-verbal communication?


3. What is active listening?


4. Why should a helper not sympathize with a client?


5. What is the goal of attending and active listening?



7.  What is context and why is it important?


8.  How do you know if empathy is accurate?


9.  How might empathy be misused?









Session 3. Techniques of Empathy, Probing, Exercises




Egan G: Exercises in Helping Skills  Part Two - Basic Communication Skills for Helpers

Reading: Egan G: Skilled Helper  Chapter 6. Communication Skills II: Empathy and Probing



      In what helping situations would one or more of SOLER be inappropriate?


     Major points:

a.     Respond empthically to move on (make progress)

b.     The Empathic Response


What core messages are being expressed in terms of feelings, and the experiences, and behaviors that underlie these feelings?  What is most important in what the client is saying to me?


Then, check out your understanding with the client with the formula:


You feel……because…..


You feel is followed by appropriate FAMILY and INTENSITY of feeling

Because is followed by experiences and/or behaviors


Listen to the CONTEXT, not just the words


Selective responding may be necessary at times, emphasizing either the feeling, the experience, or the behavior




a)     some form of verbal or nonverbal confirmation

b)     client moves on to provide more details about the problem situation


           IF INACCURATE:


a)     some verbal or nonverbal indication of inaccuracy

b)     should lead to helper’s restatement, modification, or correction

c)     which will move the therapy forward



The Uses of Empathy


1. Build relationship

2. Stimulate self-exploration

3. Check understanding

4. Provide Support

5. Lubricate communication

6. Focus attention

7. Restrain helper

8. Pave the way


Some Do's and Don'ts in Expressing Empathy



give self time to think

short responses

gear yourself to client, but remain yourself



no response

a question

a cliche

an interpretation


pretending to understand

sympathy and agreement

sympathy --- leaves the helper in a participant stance only


Probing and Prompting


1. Do not assault clients with volleys of questions

In psychiatric interview, first begin with open ended interview, then, after an empathic relationship has developed, indicate to patient that you need to ask some specific questions, and then do the survey if the answers have not already emerged during the open-ended discussion.


2. Ask questions that serve a purpose

3. Ask open-ended questions that get clients to talk about specific experiences, behaviors, and feelings

4. Keep the focus on the client : have clients ask relevant questions of themselves

5. Statements that encourage clients to talk and clafify

6. Interjections that help clients to focus

7. Cautions in the use of probes

"if helpers find themselves asking two questions in a row, they have just asked two stupid questions"


The Communication of Accurate Empathic Understanding: Creating a Climate of Support


Primary-Level Accurate Empathic Understanding


Accurate Empathy:

You are accurately empathic if you 1)discriminate - get inside the other person, look at the world from his perspective or frame of reference, and get a feeling for what his world is like; and 2) communicate to the other this understanding in a way that shows him that you have picked up, generally, both his feelings and the experiences and/or behaviors underlying these feelings.



Primary Level Accurate Empathy


Communication to the other person that you understand what he says explicitly about himself.


Advanced Accurate Empathy


Not only what the other person states but also what he implies or leaves unstated or doesn't clearly express.


If advanced accurate empathy is used too early in a relationship, it can be too frightening.


Some Common Problems in Communicating Primary-Level Accurate Empathy

1. cliché

2. Premature advanced accurate empathy

3. Inaccuracy

4. Feigning understanding

5. Parroting

6. Jumping in too quickly or letting the other ramble

7. Longwindedness
















Session 4:  Counseling - A Basic Technique in Psychotherapy



Egan, G: The Skilled Helper Chapter 2 - Overview of the Helping Model



Egan, G: Exercises in Helping Skills: Part One - Laying The Groundwork




The Kinds of Helpers: formal, informal, etc.


The Goal of Helping


Helping as an Education Process


The Starting Point: Clients with problem situations and unused opportunities


The stages of the helping process

Stage 1: The Present Scenario

Stage 2: The Preferred Scenario

Stage 3: Getting There

Outcome-Producing Action


















 Session 5:  Counseling Part II



Egan, G: The Skilled Helper Chapter 3 - Building the Helping Relationship - Values in Action


Egan, G: The Skilled Helper Chapter 4 - Action I - helping Clients Act


Egan G: Exercises in Helping Skills: Part Four - Helping Clients Develop Programs For Constructive Change



























Session 6. Exercise and Role Playing (1)


Session 7. Exercise and Role Playing (2)



























Part 3.  Perspectives of Psychiatry

Hoyle Leigh, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF

Course Director




Course Description:


Perspectives of Psychiatry is designed to introduce the beginning psychiatric resident to the basic skills and perspectives necessary to develop as a skilled clinician and scholar.  This includes some readings and discussions on some of the important concepts and developments in the history of psychiatry and the evolution of ideas. 



Textbook:  The  book below must be purchased and are not on line.  They are usually available at Barnes & Noble or



Brenner, Charles : An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis

paperback, Doubleday Anchor Book




           Hall, Calvin S & Nordy, Vernon J: A Primer of Jungian Psychology

paperback, Penguin Books




 Each resident takes turns in discussing the reading material and raising questions



Session 1.      Cross Cultural Psychiatry 1:

                         Acupuncture & Psychiatry       


 Session 2. Cross Cultural Psychiatry 2: 

                When the Spirit Catches You, You Fall Down   

                    Background Reading: 

                Malleus  Maleficarum (Witch's Hammer)


 Session 3. Freud I

           Charles Brenner: An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis


            Movie: Spellbound, directed by Alfred Hitchcock,

                        Optional Viewing - DVD from Netflix, etc.  or

                           free at Youtube (13 segments)



                 Freud Case Histories (Optional Reading)

                          Anna O & Lucy R


             Who was Anna O


Session 4.   Freud II.            
                  Brenner: An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis 

Session 5. General Discussion of Freud and Dynamic Psychiatry


Session 6.  Jung I. Audrey Punnett, Ph.D.     

Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung                 

               The Inferior Function

                    A Study of the Application of Psychological Types in Psychotherapy 

                   Meyers-Briggs Types


Session 7. Jung II.  Audrey Punnett, Ph.D.       


                  C. G. Jung: Man and His Symbols  (Readings from)    Part I   

                                                                                                          Part 2

 Session 8.  Hypnosis I        


Session 9.   Hypnosis II    


Session 10. Psychiatry: 21st Century & Beyond I.           

                R. Nesse:   Why We Get Sick 

Session 11. Psychiatry: 21st Century & Beyond II.   

                                A Proposal for a New Multiaxial Model of Psychiatric Diagnosis:

                                A Continuum-Based Patient   Model Derived from Evolutionary Developmental Gene-Environment Interaction

                                 Psychopathology 2009;42:1–10


Session 12-13. Psychiatry: 21st Century & Beyond.  III-IV.


                  E. Epel: Telomere shortening and stress      


                  H. Leigh: Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness: Toward an Integrative Model



                    Chapter 9. Storage and Evolution of Memes in the Brain.  


                     Chapter 12. What is Mental Health?


                     Chapter  13. What is Mental Illness?             


Session 14. Psychiatry: 21st Century & Beyond V. 


                    Chapter.  16. Principles of Memetic Therapy


                    Chapter 26. Challenges for the Future











Session 1.  Overall Progress of Each Project


Session 2.  Project Presentation


Session 3.  Project Presentation


Session 4.  Project Presentation


Session 5. Project Presentation


Session 6. Summing Up